Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Booklet of the Members 2009 - Dedication

Cotton Volrath has been the Guardian of the Pond since the 20 charter members started the North American Order of the Beaver at Exeter, Rhode Island in 1990. He has been an inspiration to all whose lives he has touched. Cotton and his better half, Bea, have been the driving force for our fraternal order remaining solvent these 20 years. It has been decided they will pass the reins of the day-to-day responsibility of the order to the very capable Hank Steinmetz as Guardian of the Pond.

Please join me in wishing Cotton and Bea the highest of fraternal honors for a job well done.

Kenney Moore
Holder of the Quill
Beaver #366

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled on this post and agree, "He has been an inspiration to all whose lives he has touched" I haven't seen Cotton or Bea in many years having moved west almost a quarter century ago but they are both wonderful people. The kind of people you never forget no matter how many miles or years have passed between you.
    I wish them well.
    Dave Cripe
